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Saturday Night Service

Saturday night service is from 6:00 to 7:30pm. We start with praise and worship, prayer, and offering. Nursery is available up to age 5 at this time as well. The message lasts about 45 minutes and is followed by a closing song and special announcements.   

Sunday First Service

First Service is from 8:30 to 10:00am. We start with praise and worship, prayer, and offering. Nursery is available for children 5 and under. The message lasts about 45 minutes and is followed by a closing song and special announcements.  

Sunday Second Service

Second service is from 10:30 to 12:00pm. We start with praise and worship, prayer, and offering. All Kids (6th grade and under) are dismissed to Children’s Church after the offering, Nursery is also available. The message lasts about 45 minutes and is followed by a closing song and special announcements.  

"Family" Sunday

What is “Family Sunday”? At Winter Park Christian Church we encourage families to worship and grow in the Lord together. On the first Sunday of the month, our youth lead worship and kids 1st grade through 6th stay in the service. Be sure to ask an usher about the children’s bulletin, with a fun crisscross puzzle pertaining to the message, and children’s coloring packets.

If you have a child 8th grade or older that has a passion for music or singing that would like to participate in Family Sunday worship, contact  our Worship Leader.   

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